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ph: (360) 331-3132 fx: (360) 331-3242
Located at: 18205 HWY 525 Suite 3 - Freeland, WA. 98249
Office Hours
Mon-Fri 10am-5pm
Graphic Design & Secretarial Services
Sound Business Center Inc has a professionally trained and helpful staff, available to help you design or type your next project at incredibly reasonable rates that will fit any budget. Read below for more info on how SBC's graphic designers can help make your project look amazing and professional.
Graphic Design
SBC can help you design your next big project in a timely and affordable manner. At SBC we are well versed and trained in graphic design. We can help you design almost anything!
For example: we often design multi fold brochures, business cards, NCR forms, mailers, post cards, greeting cards, calendars, booklets, programs, and even logos. Our staff is quick and consistent!
Logo Design must be paid up front for first hour of work. We would also request you to bring in samples or sketched ideas you have for your logo so we can create it in the least amount of time possible, saving you time and money.
Here are some examples of graphic design work and logos created here at SBC.
For more info, cost estimates, time frames and availability please call and talk to one of our customer service representitives at (360) 331-3132 or email us at